Wordy Wednesday: How to write a short story

A brief narrative can be written in a creative and entertaining manner. You are free to utilize your imagination, develop interesting characters, and tell stories in a constrained space. You can learn how to write a compelling short narrative by following these instructions:


Understand the Short Story Genre:

Get to know the characteristics of the brief narrative. Short tales, in contrast to novels, are condensed and narrowly focused; they typically range in length from 1,000 to 7,500 words. They should have a single central concept or idea, a small cast, and take place over a brief time frame.

Choose a Theme or Idea:

The first step in writing a short story is deciding on the theme or idea you want to explore. It could be a specific emotion, a moral dilemma, or a situation. The theme will give your story structure and substance.

Create Engaging Characters:

Develop well-rounded characters who will act as the story’s main characters. Focus on the main character and a select group of minor supporting players. Each character must stand out in some way to engage readers and make them feel a connection to them.

Craft a Captivating Plot:

A short story should have a straightforward, focused plot. Describe the start, middle, and end of your story. The traditional narrative arc of an introduction, rising action, climax, declining action, and resolution might be used as a model. Avoid unnecessary subplots and maintain a tight storyline.

Set the Scene with a Strong Setting:

Choose a setting that enhances the tone of your story and supports your topic. Whether the setting is in the real world or a fantastic cosmos, be sure to provide enough descriptive details for the readers to become completely engrossed.

Establish a Point of View (POV):

To determine who is the story’s narrator, select the narrative point of view. All three pronouns—first person (“I”), second person (“you”), and third-person (“he/she/they”)—are appropriate. Since each POV offers a unique perspective, choose the one that best fits your story.

Write a Captivating Opening:

Your story’s opening should immediately pique the reader’s interest. Engage them with an intriguing introduction, a challenging question, or an uncommon situation. Hook readers early in the narrative to maintain their interest.

Develop Conflict and Tension:

A short story needs conflict and tension to be interesting. Describe the challenges and roadblocks the hero must overcome to prevail. The suspense should build to a fantastic climax.

Build towards a Climactic Moment:

The story’s climactic moment, where the struggle reaches its pinnacle, is its most crucial moment. It should be a pivotal event that changes the protagonist’s situation or yields a key realisation.

Offer a Resolution:

Offer a denouement that resolves all of the story’s unresolved issues after the climax. The conclusion must convey a sense of closure and leave room for readers to reflect on the story’s topics.

Take a break after finishing your first draft before editing and revising. Look for inconsistencies, grammatical errors, and problem areas. Remove unnecessary words, and make sure each one serves a purpose.

Seek Feedback:

Share your short story with friends, family, or writing groups to get insightful feedback. Pay attention to their suggestions and consider any adjustments you might need to make moving forward considering them.

Polish Your Final Draft:

After taking comments into consideration, complete your draft. Examine the sentences’ structure, punctuation, and overall flow. An edited and polished short narrative will have a greater impact on the reader.

Title Your Story:

Choose a title that appeals to readers while still capturing the essence of your work.

Submit or Share Your Story:

Once you’re satisfied with your short story, you can submit it to literary magazines, online platforms, or writing competitions. You might also share it with your internet network, loved ones, and friends.

Always remember that writing a short story is an artistic undertaking; as such, don’t be afraid to take chances and let your imagination soar. Enjoy your writing!

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