Tasty Tuesday: Halloween Treats

Halloween snacks are an essential part of the day. Four delectable recipes will be examined in this Tasty Tuesday post to help Halloween enthusiasts get ready for the big day today.

Witch’s Broomstick Snacks


Pretzel sticks

String cheese

Chives or green bell pepper strips

Creamy dip (ranch dressing, hummus, or your choice)



Slice the string cheese into slender, one-inch segments.

To make it look like a broomstick, take a pretzel stick and place the cheese strip approximately 2 inches from the top.

To create the broom bristles, tie a little piece of chive or a strip of green bell pepper around the cheese.

Serve as a creepy, savoury snack with your preferred creamy dip.

Mummy Hot Dogs


Hot dogs

Crescent roll dough

Mustard or ketchup



Set your oven to the temperature recommended on the packet of crescent roll dough.

Using thin strips of crescent roll dough, wrap a hot dog, making sure to leave a small opening near the top for the mummy’s “eyes.”

After placing the wrapped hot dogs on a baking sheet, bake them for the recommended amount of time (typically 10 to 12 minutes), or until they are golden brown, as stated on the crescent roll package.

Once baked, garnish your mummy hot dogs with “eyes” made of mustard or ketchup. Accompany with additional sauces for dipping.

Monster Rice Krispie Treats


6 cups Rice Krispies cereal

10 oz marshmallows

3 tbsp butter

Food coloring (green, purple, and orange)

Candy eyes



Heat a large saucepan over low heat to melt the butter.

When the marshmallows are all melted, add them and stir.

Split the mixture across three different bowls. Make green, purple, and orange combinations by adding a different colour of food colouring to each bowl.

Add two cups of Rice Krispies to each coloured mixture and stir.

Grease your hands, then use tiny amounts of each coloured concoction to form the shapes of monsters.

To construct eyeballs, place candy eyes on the creatures and allow them to solidify and cool.

Pumpkin-Shaped Cheese Ball


8 oz cream cheese, softened

1 1/2 cups shredded cheddar cheese

1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese

1/4 cup salsa

1 tsp ground cumin

1/2 tsp chili powder

1/4 tsp garlic powder

Green bell pepper stem

Tortilla chips or crackers for serving



Cream cheese, cheddar, Parmesan, salsa, cumin, chilli powder, and garlic powder should all be combined in a mixing bowl.

Stir until thoroughly mixed.

Transfer the mixture onto a serving tray and shape it like a pumpkin.

Cut the lines of the pumpkin with a butter knife, then add a small piece of green bell pepper for the stem.

Accompany with crackers or tortilla chips.

These snacks for Halloween are sure to be a success at your eerie gathering. Have fun creating these and serving your loved ones and friends with them!

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