Tasty Tuesday: Bacalhau (Salted Cod)

For centuries, Portuguese have cherished Bacalhau or salted cod. In this blogpost, we will show you how to prepare a delicious dish of Bacalhau à Brás using simple ingredients and cooking procedures.


Recipe for Bacalhau à Brás


500g salted codfish (bacalhau)

500g potatoes

3 onions, thinly sliced

4 cloves garlic, minced

6 eggs

1/2 cup olive oil

1/4 cup parsley, finely chopped

Salt and pepper to taste

Black olives (optional, for garnish)


Desalt the bacalhau as follows:

Rinse it under cold water to remove the excess salt

Cut into large portions and place in a bowl filled with cold water

Soak for 24-48 hours so that extra salt can be removed, and it can also be rehydrated.

The fish should be boiled in a pot of water which has salt added to it for about ten to fifteen minutes until the fish becomes tender.

After boiling, drain the fish and remove the skin and bones then flake it into small pieces.

Set aside.

Prepare the Potatoes:

Peel the potatoes; thin them into matchstick-like strips then rinse off any excessive starches using cold water.

Heat olive oil in a pan over medium heat then fry the potato strips until they turn golden brown being careful not to burn them.

To avoid absorbing excess oil, place the potato strips on paper towels

Cooking Bacalhau à Brás:

In the same pan with some of its remaining oil sauté onions till golden brown and translucent before adding minced garlic which cooks for another minute.

Add the flaked cod into onion garlic mixture gently stirring as so to combine flavours.

Introduce fried potato strips into the pan mixing everything well together.

Egg Mixture:

Separately beat eggs and add just a little quantity of salt and pepper.

Pour this mixture over the cod, potato, and onion mixture in the pan stirring continuously until eggs are cooked with a creamy effect.

Final Touch:

Sprinkle chopped parsley over the Bacalhau à Brás for freshness and color.

Optionally, garnish with black olives.


The Bacalhau à Brás is served hot accompanied by fresh salad or vegetables.

Health Benefits of Bacalhau (Salted Cod):

Bacalhau is high in sodium from the salting process, but it still has health benefits.

Protein: Salted cod contains plenty of protein which is important for repairing muscles, body growth and overall body functioning.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids: The presence of omega-three fatty acids in a codfish makes it beneficial to the heart. They help lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease and improve cardiovascular health as a whole.

Vitamins and Minerals: Bacalhau provides vitamin D that is necessary for bone health and immune system. Minerals including potassium, selenium, and phosphorus are also present.

Low Saturated Fat: Salted cod has relatively low saturated fat, thus making it healthier than some other sources of proteins.

However, due to its higher sodium content, it’s essential to consume salted cod in moderation, especially for individuals with hypertension or those who need to limit their sodium intake.

Enjoy your deliciousness and nutritional value from eating Bacalhau à Brás!

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