Wordy Wednesday: Marley & Me – Life and Love with the World’s Worst Dog by John Grogan

Marley & Me is a heartening and funny autobiography by John Grogan that tells the story of Marley, his mischievous Labrador Retriever, and how he changed the author’s life forever. Through a series of anecdotes and reflections, Grogan shares the joys, challenges, and lessons learned from raising what some people refer to as “the world’s worst dog.”

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The book opens with Grogan’s determination to obtain a puppy of Labrador breed known as Marley together with Jenny, his wife. Right from the beginning we can see that Marley is very energetic; he never sits down, nor does he stay still for long; he loves breaking things and doing mischief too. Despite all these negative traits, Marley manages to win over the family with his devotion, affection, and zest for life.

One of the strong points in Marley & Me is how frank and down-to-earth Grogan writes it. He doesn’t hide away any information about how difficult it was to raise such an energetic dog who ended up damaging their furniture or even causing them embarrassment at times. But amidst all this madness there are also moments of happiness, laughter, and true love brought about by Marley into their lives.

Marley & Me is not just about a dog but rather it revolves around familial ties, hardships encountered in parenting as well as eternal relationship strength. A soothing read filled with emotions such as warmth, humor, and compassion on top of being engagingly narrated by Grogan himself.

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