Wordy Wednesday: Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

Louisa May Alcott’s “Little Women” is a classic that has been loved by many people from different generations for years. It tells the story of a family and their relationships with each other, as well as how they grow up. The book was first published in 1868 but it still feels modern today.

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The Civil War era acts as the backdrop for this tale which centers on four sisters: Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy March who are going through teenage hood into young adulthood. Each sister has her personality and dreams; Meg wants to be refined and loved; Jo is independent, aspiring to become an author, while being selfless at heart; Beth possesses quiet kindness coupled with artistic abilities, while longing for beauty or acceptance while Amy yearns both these things within social circles. In good times or bad times, Alcott tells interesting stories about them by means of various characters around such themes as love among others.

What makes this novel unique is its emphasis on sisterhood among girls living together under one roof during some of the most tumultuous years a country has experienced. Although they clash often due to differences in character – persistently shown love always triumphs over hate, paving way for friendship that lasts forever till death does claim them apart! The author skilfully interweaves lighter moments filled with humor into deeper parts; where true feelings are shown, thereby making her work relatable even across centuries

Jo March occupies the center stage here because she serves as an embodiment of all qualities associated with independence, strong will, power, determination, courage, and leadership. She becomes our main hero who strives against the odds to fulfil her dream of becoming a writer, despite society’s expectation that ladies should write only romance stories men would read.

Alcott also paints a clear picture of what life used to be back then; especially in nineteenth-century America. When women were supposed to stay at home and tend children rather than seek employment outside their homes, let alone join the workforce or get into business partnerships alongside their male counterparts. Amongst other professions, considered exclusively masculine domains at that time. This was an era where people still believed strongly about traditional gender roles which limited opportunities available for women who aspired to achieve greatness beyond the kitchen walls, thus becoming fully realized individuals capable of impacting positively  the society around them through different spheres of influence such as literary arts politics entrepreneurship etc.

Little Women is a great book that lasts long and remains appealing because it reflects on family, friendship, and growing up. The novel retains its importance to readers due to its unforgettable personages, beautifully presented scenes, and eternal ideas. Whether you have just begun reading about the March sisters or are reading about them again; Little Women is one of those novels that warm your heart and leave it feeling happy.

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