Mental wellbeing Monday: Balancing Motherhood and Mental Health

The journey of motherhood is an amazing one. It is filled with love, joy, and a sense of completeness. However, this may also be the most challenging role that a woman will ever play. Bringing up children, running a home, and in some cases career management are among the daily tasks that may leave one easily neglecting their mental health as moms. Nevertheless, not only for her own sake but for the sake of her family too should she emphasize mental well-being as finding peace between these two things, which leads to ultimate happiness in life at large. Below are tips to help mothers achieve this balance:

Image Credit: Syda Productions

Self-Compassion: Mothers need to be gentle with themselves and recognize that they are trying their level best instead of aiming for perfection; it’s okay if you ask for assistance or take a rest when necessary – practice talking kindly about yourself while avoiding harsh criticism.

Set Realistic Expectations: Do not compare yourself with others or what the media portrays as ideal motherhood because each family is unique hence what works out for one may fail another person. Set achievable goals within your situation.

Prioritize Self-Care: Just like you put your children first; it’s important that you also prioritize your physical health. Make self-care activities such as exercise a part of your daily routine alongside meditation or any hobbies among others where necessary till relaxation sets in.

Establish Boundaries: One needs boundaries so as not only to protect our work-life balance but also to safeguard sanity levels – learn to say ‘no’ when any commitment threatens draining energy reserves. Set clear limits around time spent on certain people like friends who always demand too much attention without giving anything back emotionally etcetera.

Seek Support: No one should fear seeking help whenever required. If a partner/family member cannot provide enough emotional backing, then look outwards towards professionals like therapists who might have a wider knowledge base in matters relating to parenting skills development etc. Joining online communities or groups dealing with similar challenges could also offer some valuable insights alongside camaraderie among peers.

Practice Mindfulness: Mothers can apply mindfulness techniques to stay present during different moments while at the same time managing stress effectively. Whether through deep breathing exercises, meditation or simply being fully engaged in day-to-day activities; this habit will bring about calm feelings thereby reducing anxiety levels experienced frequently.

Delegate Responsibilities: You do not have to do everything alone; learn how to delegate tasks where necessary such as assigning house chores between kids depending on their age. Sharing parenting duties equally with a spouse is another way of lightening loads borne by one person only so that they both get enough relaxation time when required most. Asking for support when things become overwhelming should be seen as a strength rather than a weakness – remember that even a superwoman needs help sometimes!

Healthy Technology Boundaries Have To Be Maintained: Although helpful in connecting people more easily besides assisting the organization’s various daily undertakings; technology must never turn into a source of stress because limits were not set up to prevent distractions from taking place. Set cap hours spent scrolling through social media platforms which may breed envy over what other moms are doing better. In addition, designate certain zones within a home where gadgets cannot enter or times when no screens should be viewed by any family member whatsoever.

Practice Gratitude: Cultivating an attitude of gratitude helps shift focus from scarcity towards abundance thus enabling individuals to appreciate the little things life offers us all every single day. Spend a few minutes each morning and evening reflecting upon those areas of existence that might seem irrelevant yet carry lots of weight like love coming out of family members’ hearts, friendship support system extended around oneself, and nature’s beauty among others. This approach fosters positive thinking leading to improved overall wellbeing

Recognize When to Get Professional Help: If you are having persistent feelings of sadness, anxiety, or being overwhelmed which are getting in the way of functioning or enjoying life, reach out for expert assistance. A mental health specialist can give you the help, advice, and treatment options that suit your individual needs.

Achieving a balance between parenting and mental health is a continuous process, and setbacks are commonplace. Mothers can take care of their mental health while doing their caregiving duties by making self-care a priority, getting help, and engaging in self-compassion exercises. Recall that caring for yourself is necessary to be the greatest mother you can be, it is not selfishness.

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