
Knowing the needs of the modern father, DadPad was developed. The support on parenting and information has typically been skewed towards women, whereas men have fewer resources to make use of when navigating through parenthood. Consequently, DadPad was established to provide specific advice and practical assistance that is tailored for dads only. Image Source:…

Kiddie Kredit

In today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world, financial literacy has become an essential skill, but it is often overlooked in traditional educational systems. The Kiddie Kredit app was created to bridge this gap and instil financial intelligence in kids from a young age. By making financial education into a game, Kiddie Kredit aims at giving children a…


In today’s era when kids are glued to digital devices, the oversight of screen time and online activities has become synonymous with parenting. OurPact is an app that can help parents find a balance for their kids’ digital involvement with other aspects of life. The application is aimed at monitoring and managing children’s device usage…

Techie Thursday: Peanut

In this age of digital connectedness, finding communities that serve particular needs and interests is more crucial than ever before. This is particularly true in parenting where the highs and lows of raising children necessitate a sympathetic network of like-minded people. It was with this recognition that Michelle Kennedy, a former executive at dating app…

Techie Thursday: Mumsnet

Parenting in the digital era brings with it some challenges, as well as great conveniences. Significantly, there are online platforms that offer support, advice, and community to parents such as Mumsnet. Launched in 2000, Mumsnet has grown into one of the largest online communities for parents. The platform became more available and user-friendly with the…

Techie Thursday: White Noise Baby App

Peaceful nights and calm days have long been the desire of every parent in this digital age. Parents have tried a variety of ways to get their little ones to sleep well, from swaddling to comforting songs. White Noise Baby App is a digital companion that helps babies and young children fall asleep, and stay…

Techie Thursday: Cozi Family Organizer

It constantly seems impossible to keep track of everything that needs to happen in a family’s day. Work commitments, school activities, extracurriculars, and household chores all compete for attention, and it’s easy for things to fall through the cracks. But there is one thing that can help streamline this chaos and bring some much-needed organization…

Techie Thursday: Baby Center App

Parenthood with all its emotions, responsibilities, and inquiries is a roller coaster. Whether you are expecting or traversing the path of child-rearing, every phase has unique rewards and hurdles. Luckily today’s digital era presents countless resources to assist parents in their journey. One such priceless resource is the Baby Centre app. Image Credit: What…

Techie Thursday: Cat Training Clicker

We are frequently both amused and perplexed by their eccentric behaviors and independent attitudes toward pets. Although we may believe that training is primarily for dogs, but cats can gain from it as well—not just for bonding and cerebral stimulation, but also for practical reasons. Introducing the Cat Training Clicker App, a useful tool that…

Techie Thursday: Dogo App

In the digital age, technology has permeated every part of our lives, including our interactions with our canine companions. Dogo, a unique smartphone application, is at the forefront of transforming dog training with its user-friendly design and science-based methodology. Dogo provides a comprehensive platform for people and their canine companions to deepen their bond, from…