Techie Thursday: Presently-A Gratitude Journal

In the fast-paced world of today, where stress and diversions are commonplace, building happiness and contentment via gratitude practice has become increasingly important. In this context, Presently, an app for gratitude journals, has become well-liked due to its ease of use and potency in encouraging an attitude of thankfulness. Presently is a companion that encourages…

Wordy Wednesday: Gratitude and Trust: Six Affirmations That Will Change Your Life by Paul Williams and Tracey Jackson

The enlightening and life-changing book “Gratitude and Trust: Six Affirmations That Will Change Your Life” by Paul Williams and Tracey Jackson explores the profound ideas of trust and thankfulness while providing a useful roadmap for living a more contented existence. Image Source: Renowned composer Paul Williams and author and screenwriter Tracey Jackson pool their…

Wordy Wednesday: The Life-Changing Power of Gratitude by Marc Reklau

In his book “The Life-Changing Power of Gratitude,” Marc Reklau takes readers on an insightful exploration of the transformational power of thankfulness. This book explores the significant effects of practicing thankfulness on our lives and highlights its benefits, which have been scientifically verified. It is rooted in the fields of positive psychology. Image Source:…

Fancy Friday: Gratitude Stones

Gratitude is a little but meaningful act that is often overlooked. However, cultivating thankfulness might enhance one’s mental and emotional health. The use of gratitude stones is a lovely method to support this practice. These little yet effective tiny mementos act as a continual reminder to be grateful for what we have and to savor…

Wordy Wednesday: Radical Gratitude by Peter Maiden

Radical Gratitude by Peter Maiden takes a look at gratitude in the religious light. The book uses scriptures to convey his message of gratitude leading to joy, peace and satisfaction. A mindset and approach known as “radical gratitude” elevates the idea of thankfulness to a more profound and nuanced plane. It entails accepting and…

Wordy Wednesday: The Gratitude Effect by Dr. John Demartini

The remarkable and transformative book “The Gratitude Effect” by Dr. John Demartini delves into the immense impacts of gratitude. Using her extensive background in psychology, philosophy, and self-improvement, Demartini provides readers with a clear explanation of how precising gratitude may lead to a more fulfilling and meaningful existence. Maciji’s blog theme for the month…

Mental wellbeing Monday: 5 Mindfulness techniques for a good day

You can develop a happy and satisfying day by using these five mindfulness practices, which Maciji would like to share with you. Being completely present in the moment while letting go of judgement and attachment is the practice of mindfulness. You can improve your general well-being and have a more enjoyable day by adopting these…