Techie Thursday: Puppr

So, you’ve brought a dog into your life – congratulations! The next phase is training which is both exciting and sometimes untidy. But fret not dog enthusiasts are in the house! Puppr is here to make sure that your training period is nothing but enjoyable for both you and your pup. Image Source: Learning…

Techie Thursday: Zigzag – Puppy Training App

Puppies are cute little balls of energy and happiness, but they also have to be trained well to become obedient and polite friends. What is great about the modern era is that it has made puppy training easier than ever before. One exceptional innovation in this regard is the Zigzag app, which completely changed the…

Techie Thursday: MyFitnessPal

Maintaining physical fitness and well-being is more important than ever in the hectic world of today. Selecting the best fitness app can be overwhelming due to the abundance of options. MyFitnessPal, one app, stands out from the others, though. Since its launch in 2005, MyFitnessPal has experienced tremendous growth in popularity, becoming the go-to resource…

Techie Thursday: Strava

Fitness aficionados have several options to track their activities and interact with like-minded others in the age of smartphones and wearable technologies. Of all the fitness apps available, Strava is the best since it provides a feature-rich interface for recording activity, creating goals, and interacting with a global community of athletes. Strava, founded in 2009…

Techie Thursday: Fitbit

In the present era of mobile phones and wearable gadgets, the journey towards healthy living has been made easy as never before. Out of many health and fitness applications available, one is a first mover in this field-the Fitbit app. This app forms an integral part of the Fitbit ecosystem that enables users to monitor…

Techie Thursday: Seven – 7 Minute Workout

Things happen quickly daily and finding time to exercise can be challenging. People get so caught up with their jobs, families, and other social engagements, such that exercises take the back burner. However, it is essential to keep fit for both physical and mental health reasons. That’s where the Seven: 7 Minute Workout app comes…

Techie Thursday: Hinge

In the bustling world of online dating, where swipes and fast decisions often reign, Hinge stands out as a refreshing alternative. Hinge, which debuted in 2012, has fundamentally altered the way people interact online by emphasizing the formation of strong bonds rather than random encounters. Thanks to its innovative approach, Hinge has amassed a loyal…

Techie Thursday: OKCupid

OKCupid is a trailblazer in the online dating space, changing the game with its creative thinking and dedication to diversity. When Chris Coyne, Sam Yagan, Christian Rudder, and Max Krohn founded OKCupid in 2004, it immediately became popular due to its distinctive dating algorithm, extensive user profiles, and focus on user-generated content. It has developed…

Techie Thursday: Bumble

It should come as no surprise that in a world where technology permeates practically every part of our existence, dating has undergone a radical transformation. Bumble is one example of an innovation in the online dating space; the platform was introduced in 2014 and has gained significant popularity very quickly. Bumble was created by Whitney…

Techie Thursday: Tinder

The world of romance has changed dramatically in the digital age when social media platforms are our virtual playgrounds and cellphones are like extensions of our bodies. Tinder, a dating app that is now widely associated with the contemporary search for love, is at the vanguard of this shift. After its 2012 launch, Tinder became…