Techie Thursday: Presently-A Gratitude Journal

In the fast-paced world of today, where stress and diversions are commonplace, building happiness and contentment via gratitude practice has become increasingly important. In this context, Presently, an app for gratitude journals, has become well-liked due to its ease of use and potency in encouraging an attitude of thankfulness. Presently is a companion that encourages…

Wordy Wednesday: Gratitude and Trust: Six Affirmations That Will Change Your Life by Paul Williams and Tracey Jackson

The enlightening and life-changing book “Gratitude and Trust: Six Affirmations That Will Change Your Life” by Paul Williams and Tracey Jackson explores the profound ideas of trust and thankfulness while providing a useful roadmap for living a more contented existence. Image Source: Renowned composer Paul Williams and author and screenwriter Tracey Jackson pool their…

Tasty Tuesday: Pumpkin Pie

American tradition is firmly rooted in the rich history of pumpkin pie. Its roots are in Native American cooking customs and the early American colonists. Exploring pumpkin pie as the last Thanksgiving Menu on maciji this month, here are the ingredients required: Ingredients: 1 ½ cups homemade or canned pureed pumpkin ¾ cup granulated…

Mental wellbeing Monday: Expressing Gratitude in the Digital Age – How Technology Can Enhance Mental Well-being

Our continuously changing world where screens and digital interactions rule, there are new opportunities for the expression of gratitude. With technology permeating every aspect of our lives, it’s critical to investigate the ways in which these technological resources might be used to improve mental health via the straightforward yet meaningful act of expressing thankfulness.…

Sightseeing Sunday: Thanksgiving in Germany

Many Americans explore unusual and different ways to commemorate Thanksgiving every year. Thanksgiving is generally celebrated with parties and feasts in the United States, but travelling outside of the country can be a fun adventure as well. Unexpectedly, Germany is one such alluring location to feel the spirit of thankfulness and community on Thanksgiving.…

Fancy Friday: Thanksgiving T-shirts by Love Gratitude

This is a sponsored post, but all opinions are ours on maciji. This means that we will make a commission if you purchase any of the products in this post. Love Gratitude brand strives to create pieces that fit the seasons. Established in 2020, the brand showcases its designs on Redbubble, where the unique designs…

Techie Thursday: Happy Feed

The ground-breaking smartphone software Happy Feed seeks to advance mental health, mindfulness, and positivism. Happy Feed shines as a ray of hope in a world where stress, negativity, and diversions frequently obscure our judgement by providing a platform for people to practice appreciation, mindfulness, and joy in their daily lives. Happy Feed’s fundamental idea…

Wordy Wednesday: The Life-Changing Power of Gratitude by Marc Reklau

In his book “The Life-Changing Power of Gratitude,” Marc Reklau takes readers on an insightful exploration of the transformational power of thankfulness. This book explores the significant effects of practicing thankfulness on our lives and highlights its benefits, which have been scientifically verified. It is rooted in the fields of positive psychology. Image Source:…

Tasty Tuesday: Cranberry Sauce

Cranberry Sauce has a long history, cultural significance, and seasonal availability, which has become a staple of the American Thanksgiving meal. Over time, the custom of serving cranberry sauce for Thanksgiving grew stronger and finally took on an iconic role in the holiday meal. Cranberry sauce is a treasured and indispensable part of the Thanksgiving…